Datadot Technology Limited announced the appointment of three new Directors following the results of resolutions by shareholders at the company's General Meeting on 13 May 2019. Mr. Ray Carroll has been appointed as a Director and Chairman, Mr. David Lloyd has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director and Mr. Bradley Kellas has been appointed as an Executive Director. Ray was the driving force behind the establishment and success of Australia's National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) and served as its Executive Director for over 19 years. He is an internationally recognised authority on developing and implementing strategic solutions to crime issues and holds a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice Administration. In his former role Ray devised the world's first comprehensive criteria and performance specification for whole of vehicle marking. His endorsement and advocacy for DataDot's micro-dot identification system nationally and internationally was the catalyst for the acceptance and growth of micro-dot identification in multiple markets across the world. Brad, the founder of propertyVAULT is a decorated former Victoria Police Officer, who proudly served the community for 21 years. For 14 years of his career he served as a Detective, specializing in organised crime, including corporate fraud, kidnapping, blackmail, extortion, product contamination and large-scale stolen property investigations. David is an experienced senior executive specialising in strategy, new technologies, business development, ventures and partnerships, which skills will be essential for successfully turning around the DataDot business by leveraging an alliance with propertyVAULT. As a senior executive at Qantas and previously Virgin Blue, David has been architect of several high-profile alliances with other airlines as a well as a joint venture with the Government of Samoa, demonstrating his ability to build valuable commercial relationships. While at Virgin Blue he also designed the Velocity Frequent Flyer program, valued at approximately USD 1 billion in its partial sale to a private equity partner. Subsequently at Virgin he developed the business cases for fleet orders worth over USD 2 billion and the establishment of a new international business. More recently while at Qantas, David has mentored businesses in its tech accelerator program and overseen commercial relationships with start-up and scale-up businesses including those in which Qantas has taken equity stakes and warrants. Drawing on his insights into how Qantas Loyalty is building businesses in financial services including insurances, David has a keen appreciation of the potential value of DataDot assets to be leveraged into growth opportunities.