CT Vision (International) Holdings Limited provided consolidated earnings guidance for the six months ended 30 June 2020. it is expected that the Group would record a net loss attributable to the Shareholders of not less than approximately HKD 52 million for the Period as compared with the net profit attributable to the Shareholders of approximately HKD 10 million for the six months ended 30 June 2019. The Board considers that the expected net loss was primarily attributable to the combined effects of, among others, (i) only one new contract for foundation works and ancillary services was awarded to the Group during the Period and no new contract for general building work projects was awarded due to the outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("COVID-19") pandemic, which has severally affected the construction industry and caused a decease in the number of projects which are available for tender; (ii) the Group did not record any revenue from general building work projects as most of the general building work projects of the Group on hands were under suspension or ending phases; (iii) the demand of concrete piles used for certain geological areas with different soil types decreased, which has resulted in no sales recorded during the Period; and (iv) the construction work of projects have been gradually resumed since April 2020 and the Group made payment to subcontractors based on the progress to ensure timely delivery of the projects, however, the payment of progress billings was delayed due to additional time required for customers to verify the value of completed work as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in negative gross profit margin. Despite the expected net loss attributable to the Shareholders for the Period, the Board is of the view that this will not have any material adverse impact on the financial position of the Group.