Microsoft Word - 2015-1-21-UKCrawfordPresReCaseManagerAwardFINAL.docx For more information contact: Lynn Cufley +44 (0) 207 265 4067

21 January 2015

Broadspire® UK Case Manager Receives Award from Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Devdeep Ahuja wins prestigious Robert Williams International Award

Milton Keynes, UK ‐ Broadspire® UK is delighted to announce that rehabilitation case manager Devdeep Ahuja has been selected to present at the world's leading physical therapy meeting in recognition of his published research.

Devdeep will reveal the findings of his research at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) International Congress in Singapore in May 2015 after winning the Robert Williams International Award for his latest academic paper.
Announced every four years, the Robert Williams International Award is given to the best abstracts for studies carried out by Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) members. The award provides financial support to enable members to present their studies at the WCPT Congress.
Devdeep's winning research looks at the factors which influence rehabilitation adherence in patients undergoing outpatient musculoskeletal physiotherapy treatment, which can have a significant

impact on healthcare costs and treatment outcomes

Deborah Edwards, head of rehabilitation, Broadspire UK says: "We are thrilled to see that Devdeep is highly recognised by international healthcare professionals for his academic achievements. The
CSP's recognition with this award shows that our employees are at the vanguard of rehabilitation case management in support of our clients in the insurance and corporate risk management

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"I feel privileged to have the opportunity to present the findings of my research at the conference in May," adds Devdeep. "The WCPT Congress is an important part of the profession's calendar and I look forward to sharing my research findings on my own behalf and in support of the offering we
have here at Broadspire."

Notes to News Editor: About Crawford

Based in Atlanta, Ga., Crawford & Company ( is the world's largest independent provider of claims management solutions to the risk
management and insurance industry as well as self‐insured
entities, with an expansive global network serving clients in more
than 70 countries. The Crawford Solution offers comprehensive, integrated claims services, business process outsourcing and consulting services for major product lines including property and casualty claims management, workers compensation claims and medical management, and legal settlement administration. The Company's shares are traded on the NYSE under the symbols CRDA and CRDB.

About Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Founded in 1894, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has grown to become the profession's largest membership organisation. The Robert Williams International Award, funded by the CSP Charitable Trust, provides financial assistance to help members of the CSP to present papers at the Congress. A total of £10,000 is available for allocation and awards will be offered on the basis of the
quality of abstracts submitted.
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For more information, please contact:

Lynn Cufley, Communications Director
T: +44 (0) 207 265 4067
M: +44 (0) 7585 901936

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