As per sec. 93, para. 2, Stock Exchange Act, conwert Immobilien Invest SE announces that EARNEST Partners, LLC has reported the following change of voting rights (by disposal of shares) in conwert Immobilien Invest SE on 29 January 2015 in accordance with sec. 91, 92 (6) Stock Exchange Act:

As of 27 January 2015 the proportion of voting rights held by EARNEST Partners, LLC, fell below the threshold of 5%, pursuant to sec. 91 in conjunction with sec. 92 (6) Stock Exchange Act. On the basis of its power of attorney, EARNEST Partners, LLC, on behalf of its clients is authorised to exercise the voting rights for 4,233,888 shares in conwert Immobilien Invest SE (approximately 4.96% of the voting rights based on a total of 85,359,273 conwert shares) at its discretion. EARNEST Partners, LLC, is controlled by its majority shareholder Westchester Limited, LLC, which is controlled by Mr Paul E. Viera.

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