Aspa sp. z o.o. and Chamonix Investments S.à r.l signed a transaction agreement to acquire an 64.74% stake in Comarch S.A. (WSE:CMR) from group of shareholders for PLN 1.67 billion on July 16, 2024. Comarch's group of shareholders and CVC Capital Partners intend to launch a tender offer for 5,266,072 Comarch shares at PLN 315.4. The bidders, acting in an agreement, hold a total of 2,867,277 shares in the company entitling them to exercise a total of 9,860,877 votes, representing a total of 35.25% of the share capital and 65.19% of the total number of votes in the company.

The purpose of the transaction is for the bidders to achieve 100% of the total voting rights in the company in order to delist its shares from the regulated market and enable its further development as a private company. Elzbieta Filipiak, head of the supervisory board, assessed that the CVC Capital Partners fund is the right partner who is ready to support the company's further international development. The Transaction Agreement also regulates certain actions of its parties in relation to extraordinary events or circumstances concerning the Company which, if they occurred, could undermine the economic rationale of the Transaction.