Claren Energy Corp. announced that the Bobocu 310 side-track well onshore Romania has reached Total Depth of 2,765 meters (9,071 feet). B310-ST1 has successfully drilled through the Lobe G sandstone and the Corcova sandstone which are Upper Miocene reservoirs. Lobe G was penetrated at 2,657 meters (8,717 feet), and the company's primary target Corcova was subsequently penetrated at 2,696 meters (8,845 feet). The presence of gas was confirmed in Lobe G and Corcova based on the mud log data, and the logging while drilling data including gamma-ray and resistivity tools. Three additional thinner gas sands (Lobes K, J and H) were also penetrated above Lobe G, whose economic value will be assessed at a later stage. After a wiper trip the company will immediately commence open hole wireline logging, followed by casing, and cementing. The Company anticipates running drill stem tests ("DST's") within Lobe G and Corcova with test results to be reported shortly thereafter.