China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. announced operating results for 2017. For the period, the company reported oil and gas was 445.83 mmboe against 431.29 mmboe a year ago. Crude oil was 293.66 mmboe against 303.51 mmboe a year ago. Natural gas was 912.50 bcf against 766.12 bcf a year ago. Refinery throughput was 238.50 million tonnes against 235.53 million tonnes a year ago. Gasoline was 57.03 million tonnes against 56.36 million tonnes a year ago. Diesel was 66.76 million tonnes against 67.34 million tonnes a year ago. Kerosene incl. Jet Fuel was 26.88 million tonnes against 25.47 million tonnes a year ago. Light chemical feedstock was 38.60 million tonnes against 38.54 million tonnes a year ago. Ethylene was 11,610,000 tonnes against 11,059,000 tonnes a year ago. Synthetic Resins was 15,938,000 tonnes against 15,201,000 tonnes a year ago. Synthetic Fibers was 1,220,000 tonnes against 1,242,000 tonnes a year ago. Synthetic was 848,000 tonnes against 857,000 tonnes a year ago. Total domestic sales volume of refined oil products was 177.76 million tonnes against 172.70 million tonnes a year ago.