For immediate release 18 January 2013

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Major Shareholder of China All Access Increases Stakes in the Company Demonstrates Management's Confidence in Its prospect

(Hong Kong, 18 January 2013) China All Access (Holdings) Limited ("China All Access" or "CAA", HKSE stock code 633.HK) is pleased to announce that Mr. CHAN Yuen Ming, the Company's major shareholder and Chairman, has purchased on the market a total of 19.8 million shares of the Company in the name of Creative Sector Limited, a company personally owned by Mr. CHAN, on 17
January 2013 at an average price of HK$2.4148 per share, with a total consideration of HK$47.814 million. The total shareholding of Mr. CHAN in the Company increased to 34.07% from 32.58%. The share acquisition reflects the management's full confidence in the development and the prospect of the Company.
Mr. CHAN Yuen Ming, the Chairman of China All Access, said, "CAA has recently acquired Shenzhen Changfei Investment, and accomplished vertical integration with ZTE. CAA also entered into a Cooperation Framework Agreement with Hebei Guangdian on 16 January 2013, which further expands the Company's business to household market. This will effectively promote the diversification of the Company's business line, enlarge its market share and improve profitability, and achieve significant increases in scale, asset, revenue and profit."
On 16 January 2013, Hebei Noter, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CAA, entered into a Cooperation Framework Agreement with Hebei Guangdian, the Company shall invest RMB550 million worth of multimedia digital networking equipment and household terminal equipment and to help Hebei Guangdian in network construction and market promotion. This cooperation will expand the company's wireless data communication application solution business from the existing enterprise market to the household market. The Group will also be able to leverage on Hebei Guangdian's market dominance, provincial sales network and influential position in Hebei Province to capture the market in a rapid way whilst the profit sharing model will bring long term stable return to the Group vis-à-vis its investment in the Subject Project.
In November 2012, CAA entered into an agreement with ZTE Corporation to acquire 51% equity interest in Changfei Investment Company Limited of Shenzhen City, a controlled subsidiary of ZTE, whilst ZTE Hong Kong signed to subscribe on 112 million shares and HK$201million-worth convertible bonds of China All Access. CAA will draw from the cross-investment arrangements significant advantages of vertical integration, significantly expanding its leading edge and innovative R&D capacities of CAA's mobile terminals (including 4G terminals) in extensive public administration and industry applications, and effectively upgrading the asset scale and profitability.
Looking ahead, Mr. CHAN Yuen Ming is confident about the prospect for the Group, he said, "In general, while maintaining existing business, the Group will continue to actively seek new opportunities in the market. The management is very confident that the Group has positive future outlook and will continue to deliver encouraging operating results to our shareholders continually."

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About China All Access (Holdings) Limited (Stock code: 633.HK)

China All Access is an investment holding company. The activities of its principal operating subsidiaries include provision of integrated information communication application solution and application services, and research and development and production of a wide spectrum of products and parts in the supply chain of various types of mobile terminals. The Group designs and develops information communication application solutions for customers. The Group's application solutions include wireless data communication application solutions and services, satellite communication application solutions and services, and call centre application solutions and services. The Group also manufactures and sells various parts which are widely applicable in mobile phones and other types of mobile terminals.
Issued by Wonderful Sky Financial Group Holding Limited for and on behalf of China All Access

(Holdings) Limited. For further information, please contact:

Olive Zhang / Jessie Bok / Linsey Guo
Contact?(852) 3970 2126/ 3970 2130/ 3970 2129
Fax No.?(852) 2865 1638

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