Chimerix, Inc. announced the appointments of Randall Lanier, PhD, as chief science officer and Roy W. Ware, PhD, MBA, as chief manufacturing and technology officer. Dr. Lanier will continue to oversee preclinical screening programs, biology and virology. Dr. Ware will oversee manufacturing, clinical trial material sourcing, medicinal and process chemistry, and analytical and pharmaceutical development. Together they will lead the company discovery effort. During his tenure at the company, Dr. Lanier has led teams that designed successful studies of brincidofovir for smallpox, characterized the resistance/activity profile of brincidofovir for multiple viruses, and explored the potential of the company chemical library to address unmet medical needs. Recently these efforts led to the identification of a clinical candidate, CMX521, for norovirus, the leading cause of viral gastroenteritis worldwide. Dr. Lanier has nearly 25 years of experience in the discovery and development of antivirals; he has focused much of his career on understanding the activity, mechanism, and resistance profiles of nucleoside analogs used for prevention and treatment of viral disease caused by HIV, CMV, adenovirus and poxviruses. In his previous position as vice president, chemistry at the company, Dr. Ware led the chemistry effort for discovery and development programs, including structure/activity evaluation, chemical process development, and manufacturing of CMX521. He also contributed to the patent programs for brincidofovir, securing a patent extension to 2034, and CMX157 (licensed to ContraVir), securing a patent extension to 2033. Prior to joining the company, Dr. Ware held multiple positions in research including as a research scientist at PharmaCore, Inc.