Century Energy International Holdings Limited announced to the shareholders of the Company and potential investors of the Company that there will be a delay in the publication of the 2024 Annual Results as additional time is required for completing certain audit procedure including collecting the external confirmations and certain supporting documents on other receivables. Pursuant to Rule 18.49 of the GEM Listing Rules, the Company is required to publish an announcement in relation to its 2024 Annual Results not later than three months after the end of the financial year of the Company (i.e. on or before 30 June 2024). Though the delay in publication of the 2024 Annual Results would constitute non-compliance of Rule 18.49 of the GEM Listing Rules, the Board wishes to emphasize that the operations of the Group remain normal, and the Company will use its best endeavour to publish the 2024 Annual Results to the Shareholders as soon as possible.

The Board is working closely with the auditor of the Company, Confucius International CPA Limited (the ``Auditor'') and has been using its best endeavours to assist and cooperate in order to complete the auditing process as soon as possible. Based on the recent communications with the Auditor, the Company expects that the 2024 Annual Results will be published on or before 15 July 2024. The Company will publish further announcement(s) in due course to inform the Shareholders of (i) the date of the meeting of the Board to consider and approve the 2024 Annual Results; (ii) the date of the release of the 2024 Annual Results; and (iii) any material development.