Capital VC Limited provided earnings guidance for the year ended June 30, 2015. For the period, the company expects to record a significant increase in consolidated net profit as compared to the audited consolidated net profit for the same period in 2014 as set out in the 2013/14 annual report of the Company. Such expected increase in the consolidated net profit for the Period is mainly attributable to the aggregate effect of the increase in net profit on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss from approximately HKD 134.7 million for the year ended 30 June 2014 to approximately HKD 1,313.5 million for the Period, and improvement in the result of an associate of the Group, from loss of approximately HKD 56.9 million shared to the Group for the year ended 30 June 2014 to loss of approximately HKD 1.2 million shared to the Group for the Period.