Fm:GCICL Compi iance To:Canyon Resources Limited - Lodgement of Form 60(61293470005) 17:06 01/08/13 EST Pg 1-5

Hi: Attached is a copy of the Form 604 for Canyon Resources Limited to be lodged with the ASX today. Rgds, Marlowe

Ms. Marlowe Hanlen, Compliance Officer, Code of Ethics
GCIC Ltd. (Dynamic Funds)
One Adelaide Street East. 29th Floor. Toronto. Ontario M5C 2V9
Tel.: 416-365-2584/Intemet Fax: 647-776-7721/Email:


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Fm:GCICL Compi iance To:Canyon Resources Limited - Lodgement of Form 60(61293470005) 17:06 01/08/13 EST Pg 2-5

One Adelaide Street East

29th Floor

Toronto, Ontario


Tel: (416)365-2584

Fax: (847) 776-7721

GCIC Ltd. To: Company Announcements Office From: Marlowe Hanlen Company: Australian Stock Exchange Fax: 612·9778·0999 or 612-9347-11005 Pages: 1 +3

Phone: Date: January 8, 2013

Re: Form 604-Canyon Resources Limited

D Urgent D For Review D P1ease Comment D Please Reply D Please Reçycle

• Commenta:

Attached is a Form 604 for Canyon Resources Limited to be lodged with the ASX today on behalf of GCIC Ltd. (manager ofthe Dynamic Funds).

r1 'aiilen/(Ms.), Compliance Officer GCJC Ltd. (manager ofthe Dynamic Funds) Te!.: 416-365-2584 (direct)

Internet Fax: 647-776-7721 (compliance)




Fm:GCICL Compi iance To:Canyon Resources Limited - Lodgement of Form 60(61293470005) 17:07 01/08/13 EST Pg 3-5

604 page 1 of2 Februal)' 15, 2007

Form 604

Corporatlons Act2001

Secllon 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder



1, Detalls of subslantlal holder (1)


ACNIARSN (lf appllcable)

Bank of Nova Scotia and each of its associates/afflllates llsted in Annex A

There was a change in the lnterests of the substantlal holder on

The previous notice was glven to the companyon

The previous notice was dated

2. Prevlous and present votlng power

31 IDecember 12012

10 l July 12012

10 l July 12012

The total number of votes attached to ali the votlng shares in the company or voting interests in the schema that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a relevant interest (3) in when last required, and when now required, to give a substantlal holding notìce to the company or scheme, are as follows:

Class of securlties (4)

Prevlous notice Present notice

power (5)

7.68% undlluted

3. Changes In relevant interests

Particulars of each change in, or change in the nature of, a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate in votlng securitles of the company or schema, since the substantial holderwas last requlred lo give a substantìal holding natica to the company or scheme are as follows:

Date of change

Person whose relevant interest changed

Nature of change (6)

Consideration given in relation to change (7)

Class and number cf securlties affected

Person's votes affected

Dee. 31,





Average share prlce was AUD



Ordlnary fully oaid


4. Present relevant lnterests

Partlculars of each relevant lnterest of the substantial holder in voting securities alter the change are as follows;

Holderof relevant interest


holder of securities

Person entitled

to be registered as

holder (8)

Nature of relevant interest (6)

Class and numberot securities

Person's votes



GCICL, in its capacity as trustee

and manager of various mutuai funds has the power lo contrai the voting andlor disposal of the securities and holds the securitles for ìnvestment ourooses


Ordlnary fully paid



form 604-Canyon Resources- Jao13.doc

Fm:GCICL Compi iance To:Canyon Resources Limited - Lodgement of Form 60(61293470005) 17:08 01/08/13 EST Pg 4-5

604 page 212

5.Changes in association

The persons who have become associates (2) of, ceased to be associates of, or have changed the nature of their association

(9) with, the substantial holder in relation to voting interests in the company or scheme are as follows:

Name and ACNIARSN (ilapplicable) Nature of assoclation


6. Addresses

The addresses of persons named in this formare as follows:



Bank of Nova Scotia

40 KinQ Street West, Taranto, Ontario, Canada M5H 3Y2


291 Floor, 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontarlo M5C 2V9



print name Jeff Cairns Capacity: Vice President, Compliance & Administration, lnvestment Counsel of GCIC Ltd. (a fully-owned affiliate of the Bank of Nova


sign hore date or;} l January l 2013

(1) lf there are a number of substantial holders with slmilar or related relevant interests (eg a corporation and its related corporations, or the manager and trustee of an equity trust), the names could be included in an annexure to the form. lf the relevant interests of a group of persons are essentia!ly similar, they may be referred to throughout the form as a specìfically named group rt the membershlp of each group, with the names and addresses of members is clearly set out in paragraph 6 of the form.
(2) See the definltion ofassociate" in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.
(3} See the deflnition of relevant interest" in sectlons 608 and 671B(7) of the Corporations Act 2001. (4) The votlng shares of a company oonstitute one class unless divlded lnto separate classes.
(5) The person's votes divided by the total votes in the body corporate or scheme multiplied by 100.

(6) Include details of:

(a) any relevant agreement or other circumstances because of which the change in re!evant interest occurred. lf subsection
6718{4) applies, a copy of any document setting out the terms of any re!evant agreement, and a statement by the person giving full and accurate detalls of any contract, scheme or arrangement, must accompany this form, together with a wrìtten statement certifying this contraci, scheme or arrangement; and
(b) any qualificatlon of the power of a person to exercise, contro! the exercise of, or influence the exercise of, the voting powers or disposaJ of the securities to whlch the re!evant interest relates (lndicating clear1y the partlcular securities to which the quallfication applies).

See the definition of relevant agreement" in sectlon 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

(7) Oetails of the consideration must include any and an beneflts, money and other, that any person from whom a relevant ìnterest was acquired has, or may, become entrt!ed to recelve Jn relation to that acquisitìon. Details must be ìncluded even if the benefit is conditlonal on 1he happening or not of a contlngency. Oetails mu:st be included of any benefit paid on behalf of the substantial holder or lts associate in relation to the acquisìtions, even if they are not paid dlrectly to the person from whom the relevant interest was acquired.
(8) rr the substantìal holder is unable to detennine the identlty of the person (eg ifthe relevant interest arises because of an option) write
(9) Give detaOs, if appropriate,of the present assoclation and any change in that associatlon since the last substantial holding notice.

Fm:GCICL Compi iance To:Canyon Resources Limited - Lodgement of Form 60(61293470005) 17:08 01/08/13 EST Pg 5-5

604 page1 of 2 February 15, 2007

ANNEXUREA Associates

This company is a fully-owned affiliate of Bank of Nova Scotia under section 9 of the Corp()rations

Aet by virtue Qj belng a related corpQrate body Qj GCIC Ltd.


This is the annexure of l page marked A refened to in Form 604: Notice ofChange oflnterests of

Substantial Holder signed by me.

Jeff Cairns,

Vice President, Co pliance & Administration, Investment Counsel ofGCIC Ltd. (a fully-owned affiliate ofthe Bank ofNova Scotia)


form 604-Canyon Resources w Jan13,doc

distributed by