Publication: Times of India, 3 Jan 2014

A native of Ontario, Canada, Gregoire is an avid cyclist and enjoys mountain biking races. In an interview to TOI, Gregoire talks about the company's mainframes business and how cloud is disrupting the technology space. Excerpts:

We have seen a higher adoption of BYOD, a transition from mainframes and PCs to smartphones and tablets. Is mobility the next big wave?
India has 960 million cellphones users. In the next 3-5 years, they are going to get connected to the internet. Take a look at internet banking, buying insurance products and all the different applications that are going to be available for a handheld device on a global basis. I think that makes the infrastructure change. We are in three businesses - security, application management and infrastructure management. So, our goal is to be the leading provider on the mainframes, which is half of our revenue and we help customers make the transition to be distributed. And now, our focus is on the cloud.

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