
Publication: ChannelWorld India, 23 Jan 2014

While I am sure there will be many exciting cloud computing developments in the coming year, perhaps the most exciting one will be that cloud computing will no longer be exciting. As case studies of the benefits of cloud are beginning to surface in even the most conservative and security conscious of domains such as healthcare, government, and accounting, its benefits are certainly becoming much more broadly understood. Thus, cloud itself will not be that exciting. With that as context, here are a few things I expect might happen in 2013:

1. The year of community clouds

Community clouds provide service to members of groups with shared objectives or constraints. It is in the context of the latter that I believe the popularity of community clouds will rise in 2013. Organizations with common challenges such as the security and compliance constraints compliance shared by healthcare organizations can better address those requirements by leveraging the high caliber resources and personnel that community clouds can provide.

In addition, it will become more widely understood that community clouds of sufficient size can provide most, if not all, of the economic benefits of public clouds. Public cloud providers will also realize this presents good business opportunities and they will begin to increase their specialized, community, or vertical cloud offerings.



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