PRESS RELEASE Transparency of BSB's shareholding Increase in capital and in the number of shares

Louvain-la-Neuve, 21 June 2012, 17.45 - Regulated information

BSB publishes the following information in compliance with the applicable legislation regarding shareholder transparency (Titre II of the Law of 2 May 2007 and AR of 14 February


Figures - modified

Capital: 13,965,655.45 EUR

Total number of shares with voting rights: 2,743,719

Total number of voting rights (= denominator): 2,743,719

Statutory thresholds - unchanged

Statutory thresholds for participation (article 12 of the by-laws): 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and so on by increments of 5%.

Contact person for regulated information (financials, transparency etc.): Olivier Tordeurs, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Phone+32 (0)10 48 34 80;

For general information: Euan Sellar, Head of Corporate & Marketing Communication

Phone+32 (0)10 48 34 80;


BSB is a provider of business solutions and IT services for insurers, private bankers, portfolio managers, wealth managers, holding companies, independent financial advisors and investment funds. It has more than 100 customers in 23 European countries.
BSB's flagship products are Solife for life insurance administration and Soliam for institutional asset management and private client wealth management. A subsidiary, Solfia, offers an off-the-shelf SaaSportfolio aggregation service based on Soliam.
BSB exists since 1995, employs 350 people and has its headquarters in Belgium. It has offices in Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
BSB is quoted on Euronext's Alternext: symbol 'BSB'

BSB International sa

Boulevard Baudouin 1 er , 25 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Phone +32 (0)10 48 34 80 Fax +32 (0)10 48 34 99

RPM Nivelles 0474.800.251 IBAN BNP Paribas Fortis BE56 2710 3174 4088 BIC GEBABEBB

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