BSA Limited announced that Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Nicholas Yates commenced discussions with the Board approximately nine months ago in relation to his intention to step back from the role in early 2020. Since that time, the Board has been assessing options for Nicholas' successor and a structured transition plan. After en- gaging an independent consulting firm to undertake a review and candidate appraisal, The company announced that Tim Harris, the current BSA Deputy CEO will be appointed to the role of Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, effective from 9th March 2020.

Tim has been with the company for over 3 years and has driven a program of operational excellence leading to steady increases in margin, improving working capital performance and customer satisfaction. Tim has also built a strong leadership team across both operations and support areas that has set a platform for long term sustainable growth. Tim has over 25 years' experience in senior Operational and Finance roles both domestically and internationally.

Prior to joining BSA, Tim was CFO of CPB (previously Leighton Contractors) and before that held senior executive roles at Westfield.