Bronze Infra-Tech Limited announced that the Board of Directors of the Company has pursuant to recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, appointed Rajesh Verma as Additional Director of the Company. Their appointment shall take effect from August 3, 2022. Rajesh Verma has been appointed as an Additional Director in Executive Director capacity of the Company with effect from August 3, 2022, and his appointment will be regularised at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.

Rajesh Vema have experience in Human Resources Management, Financial Management and other allied services. Arvind Kumar have tendered their resignations as Non-Executive Director of the Company with effect from August 3, 2022. Arvind Kumar, the Non-Executive Director, considering their long tenure on the Company's Board and due to other personal commitments, that they have now, have voluntarily relinquished their position as Board member with effect from August 3, 2022.

There are no other material reasons.