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(incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


Reference is made to the circular of Brockman Mining Limited (the "Company") dated 11 October
2012 (the "Circular"). Unless otherwise stated, capitalized terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular.
This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 17.06A of the Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
The board of directors (the "Board") of the Company has today offered to grant a total of
176,200,000 share options to the eligible persons of the Company and its subsidiaries to subscribe for a total of 176,200,000 ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each (the "Shares") of the Company (the "Share Options").
All Share Options are to be granted pursuant to the Australian Scheme adopted by the Company on
13 November 2012.
A summary of the terms of the proposed options is set out below:
Exercise price: From HK$0.717 to 0.967
Closing price of the Shares on 14 January 2013: HK$0.495
Expiry date of the Share Options: 14 January 2016
Vesting condition: From the date of grant, 50% after 1 year; 100%
after 2 years

* For identification purpose only

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All of the Share Options granted above are granted to Eligible Participants other than Directors of the Company.
By order of the board of directors of

Brockman Mining Limited Chan Kam Kwan, Jason Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 14 January 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises Mr. Kwai Sze Hoi (Chairman), Mr. Liu Zhengui (Vice Chairman), Mr. Warren Talbot Beckwith and Mr. Ross Stewart Norgard as non-executive directors; Mr. Luk Kin Peter Joseph (Chief Executive Officer), Mr. Chan Kam Kwan, Jason (Company Secretary) and Mr. Chu Chung Yue, Howard as executive directors; and Mr. Lau Kwok Kuen, Eddie, Mr. Uwe Henke Von Parpart, Mr. Yip Kwok Cheung, Danny and Mr. David Michael Spratt as independent non-executive directors.

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