
Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 609 542 556)

Level 33, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000

6 January 2016

The Manager

Company Announcements Office ASX Limited

Level 4

20 Bridge Street

Sydney NSW 2000

Dear Sir or Madam

Takeover Bid by Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Limited in relation to Broadspectrum Limited

Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 609 542 556) is an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial, S.A..

I attach a notice of despatch of takeover offers pursuant to item 8 of section 633(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Yours sincerely

Kate Zorzi

Company Secretary

Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Ltd Kate.Zorzi@allens .com .au

+61 3 9613 8218


dthm A0135080131v1 120461162 24.12.2015

Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

Section 633(1), Item 8

Notice of Despatch

Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Limited (ACN 609 542 556) gives notice in accordance with item 8 of section 633(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) that the replacement bidder's statement dated 23 December 2015 (which incorporates all terms of the original bidder's statement dated 7 December 2015 and the supplementary bidder's statement dated 23 December 2015), which includes an offer dated 6 January 2016, in relation to a takeover bid for ordinary shares in Broadspectrum Limited (ABN 69 000 484 417) has been sent to each person who held securities in the bid class as at the date set by Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Limited (ACN 609 542 556) pursuant to section 633(2), as required by item 6 of section 633(1). The offers have been made on the terms set out in the replacement bidder's statement dated 23 December 2015.

Enclosed with this notice is a copy of the replacement bidder's statement. Dated 6 January 2016

Kate Zorzi


For and on behalf of Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Limited (ACN 609 542 556)



Bidder's Statement



Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Limited (ACN 609 542 556) an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial, S.A.

to acquire ALL OF YOUR SHARES in

Broadspectrum Limited (ABN 69 000 484 417) (formerly Transfield Services Limited)


$1.35 cash per share

Please call the Offer Information Line on 1300 782 154 (within Australia) or

+61 3 9415 4131 (from outside Australia) if you require assistance.

Financial Adviser

Legal Adviser

Important Information

This is a Replacement Bidder's Statement given by Ferrovial Services Australia Pty Limited (ACN 609 542 556), an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial, S.A., to Broadspectrum Limited (ABN 69 000 484 417) under Part 6.5 of the Corporations Act as amended by ASIC Class Order [CO 13/528] and relates to the Offer.

You should read this Bidder's Statement in its entirety.

This Replacement Bidder's Statement is dated 23 December 2015 and replaces the Bidder's Statement dated 7 December 2015 and lodged with ASIC on that date (Original Bidder's Statement). The Offer made under this Replacement Bidder's Statement is on the same terms as the offer set out in the Original Bidder's Statement.

References to the Bidder's Statement in this document are to this Replacement Bidder's Statement, unless otherwise indicated.

This Bidder's Statement is dated 23 December 2015 and includes an Offer dated 6 January 2016, the terms of which are set out in Section 7.

A copy of this Bidder's Statement was lodged with ASIC on

23 December 2015. Neither ASIC nor any of its officers takes any responsibility for the contents of this Bidder's Statement.

References in this Bidder's Statement to Ferrovial's website (http://www.ferrovial.com/en) and to Broadspectrum's website (http://www.broadspectrum.com/) are for your reference only. Information contained in or otherwise accessible from those websites are not part of this Bidder's Statement.

Investment decisions

This Bidder's Statement does not take into account your individual investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. You should consider seeking independent financial and taxation advice before deciding whether or not to accept the Offer.

Defined terms

A number of defined terms are used in this Bidder's Statement. These terms are explained in Section 8 along with certain rules of interpretation which apply to this Bidder's Statement.

Forward-looking statements

This Bidder's Statement includes information that is historical in character and forward looking statements. The forward looking statements relate to future matters and are subject to various inherent risks and uncertainties. Those risks and uncertainties include factors and risks specific to the industries in which Broadspectrum, Bidder and the members of the Ferrovial Group operate, as well as general economic conditions, prevailing exchange rates and interest rates and conditions in the

financial markets.

Actual events or results may differ materially from the events or results expressed or implied by any forward looking statements. The past performance of Bidder and Broadspectrum is no guarantee of future performance. None of Bidder or any Ferrovial

Group Member or any of their respective directors or officers or any other person named in this Bidder's Statement with their consent or any person involved in the preparation of this Bidder's Statement makes any representation or warranty (either express or implied)

as to the accuracy or likelihood of fulfilment of any forward looking statement, or any events or results expressed or implied in any forward looking statement, except to the extent required by law. The forward looking statements in this Bidder's Statement reflect views held only as at the date of this Bidder's Statement.

Information regarding Broadspectrum

The information contained in this Bidder's Statement on Broadspectrum, Broadspectrum Shares and the

Broadspectrum Group has been prepared by Bidder using publicly available information.

None of that information has been independently verified by Bidder. Accordingly, Bidder does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.

Further information relating to Broadspectrum's business may be included in the Target's Statement, which Broadspectrum must provide to its shareholders in response to this Bidder's Statement.

Effect of rounding

A number of figures, amounts, percentages, prices, estimates, calculations of value and fractions in this Bidder's Statement are subject to the effect of rounding.

Accordingly, the actual calculation of these figures, amounts, percentages, prices, estimates, calculations of value and fractions may differ from the figures, amounts, percentages, prices, estimates, calculations of value and fractions set out in this Bidder's Statement.

Any discrepancies between totals in tables or financial statements, or in calculations, graphs or charts are due to rounding.

Privacy statement

Bidder has collected your information from the Broadspectrum register of members for the purpose of making the Offer and, if accepted, administering your holding of Broadspectrum Shares. The type of information Bidder has collected about you includes your name, address, contact details and information on your shareholding in Broadspectrum. Without this information, Bidder will be hindered in its ability to carry out the Offer. The Corporations Act requires the name and address of shareholders to be held in a public register. Your information may be disclosed on a confidential basis to Bidder's subsidiaries and external service providers (such as providers of print and mail services), and may be required

to be disclosed to regulators such as ASIC. If you would like details of information about you held by Bidder please contact it at the address set out in the corporate directory or call the Offer Information Line.

Ferrovial Bidder's Statement

Transfield Services Limited issued this content on 2016-01-06 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-06 06:39:30 UTC

Original Document: http://tse.live.irmau.com/IRM/PDF/2013/DispatchofBiddersStatement