BrightRock Gold Corp. present the current and future exploration plans under priority to complete in 2024. BrightRock will prioritize the following areas over the next six months: Midnight Owl Phase 1b Sampling Program: The completion of the Phase 1a report was a significant step toward better understanding Midnight Owl's pegmatite geology.

It also laid the groundwork for a more in-depth Phase 1b soil sample and exploration campaign, with an emphasis on the exposed pegmatite strike to the northeast of the claim block and 200-meter sample spacing from east to west across the Midnight Owl property. The in-house exploration geologist, James Ingraffia, MS, GMBA, has started laying the basis for the Phase 1b exploration program, which is targeted to begin in late third quarter 2024. Midnight Owl Underground Tunnel Exploration: When first completed the acquisition of the Midnight Owl Underground Mine in June 2022, the previous owners' underground XRF testing revealed not only the lithium potential present and documented in history, but also the abnormally high levels of copper, zinc, lead, silver, and gold.

Despite the inconclusive nature of XRF measurements, BrightRock will adopt a two-pronged approach in the future, prioritizing not only the development of a lithium resource but also enhancing understanding of other metals that could potentially enhance its value. This process will begin with an extensive underground sampling campaign in late third quarter 2024 to determine the original location of these XRF readings. The company will then send these samples to a third-party laboratory for detailed geochemical analysis.

Research Proposal with Alexandra Price: In March 2024, approached by Alexandra M. Price, M.S., University of Houston, who is working on a doctoral research proposal titled "Hyperspectral Imaging of Economic L-C-T Pegmatites." Hyperspectral data acquisition and interpretation of economic pegmatites is a novel yet a promising approach to aid in spatially discerning economical deposits from country rock. Precisely identified spectral signatures of minerals in lab settings bolster recognition during remote sensing exploration efforts. This work collected the spectral signatures of 21 economic lithium rich pegmatites samples from known fields and mines in the United States, Canada, and Ireland.

Using laboratory-based push broom scanners, and with the assistance of TerraCore Corp., hyperspectral imaging commenced at the end of May 2024. Data collected includes the VNIR (visible-near infrared), SWIR (short-wave infrared) and LWIR (long-wave infrared) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. As the research evolves, ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) will commence in the fall at the University of Houston to collect geochemical data on the key minerals identified in the hyperspectral data post processing and interpretation.

Furthermore, applications of machine learning with hyperspectral and geochemical datasets can be utilized to unveil trends in data (i.e. chemically, spatially, temporally) to contribute to greater understanding of these important lithium rich hard rock deposits.