BioteQ Environmental Technologies Inc. has completed commissioning of a mobile water treatment plant that applies the company's Sulf-IX(TM) process for sulphate removal. The plant is jointly owned by BioteQ and strategic alliance partner Newalta. The plant is presently deployed at a Newalta site and will be undergoing further process optimization during the remainder of the month of January.

Sulf-IX(TM) is an ion exchange technology developed by BioteQ to remove calcium and magnesium sulphates from water. The process produces clean water with low residual sulphate concentrations, and a solid gypsum product which can be used as a soil amendment or as an input for fertilizers and building products. Sulf-IX(TM) recovers up to 99% of the feed water for re-use, and delivers low life cycle costs for water treatment through lower capital and operating costs, lower energy consumption, and reduced carbon footprint when compared to alternative processes for sulphate treatment.