BlueRock Diamonds plc announced revenue results for the first quarter of 2018. For the quarter, the company reported revenue per processed tonne for the first quarter was $14.36, based on tender periods. Quarter represents the period from the end of the November tender to the end of the March tender. Whilst this is a derivative measure (reliant upon other factors) this remains a key indicator of Kareevlei's profitability. Average revenue per carat of $378. A total of 1,563 carats were sold in First Quarter 2018 representing 16.5% of the lower end of the Company's guidance for 2018. This is consistent with seasonal expectations as First Quarter production will always be hampered by the extended Christmas and New Year break coupled with the Northern Cape rainy season experienced in the first quarter of each year.

For the quarter, the company reported 38,781 tonnes were processed in First Quarter 2018, which is over four times greater than First Quarter 2017 and represents 14.1% of production target for 2018. 

For 2018, The company expects volume of 275,000 tonnes and carats to be in range of 9,500-12,500.

For 2018, the company expects Revenue per carat ($/carat) of 362.