All information is at 31 December 2016 and unaudited.                        
    Performance at month end with net income reinvested                          


                                       One    Three     One   Three     Since     Five
                                     Month   Months    Year   Years   1 April    Years
    Share                             3.1%   0.7%      4.8%   26.1%     67.9%    75.5%
    Net asset                         5.5%   2.6%      7.7%   27.9%     59.8%    72.5%
    FTSE All-Share Total              5.0%    3.9%    16.8%   19.3%     52.5%    61.8%
    Source: BlackRock                                                                 


    BlackRock took over the investment management of the Company with effect from
    1 April 2012.                                                                


    At month end                                                                 
    Net asset value - capital only:                                       192.82p
    Net asset value - cum income*:                                        197.20p
    Share price:                                                          189.25p
    Total assets (including income):                                       £52.0m
    Discount to cum-income NAV:                                              4.0%
    Net gearing:                                                             2.2%
    Net yield**:                                                             3.3%
    Ordinary shares in issue***:                                       25,354,268
    Gearing range (as a % of net assets)                                    0-20%
    Ongoing charges****:                                                     1.0%


    * includes net revenue of 4.38 pence per share.                              
    ** The Company's yield based on dividends announced in the last 12 months as 
    at the date of the release of this announcement is 3.3% and includes the 2016
    final dividend of 3.90p per share declared on 21 December 2016, payable to   
    shareholders on 10 March 2017 and the 2016 interim dividend of 2.40p per     
    share announced on 29 June 2016 and paid to shareholders on 2 September 2016.
    *** excludes 7,579,664 shares held in treasury.                              
    **** Calculated as a percentage of average net assets and using expenses,    
    excluding performance fees and interest costs for the year ended 31 October  


    Sector Analysis                                   Total assets (%)           
    Media                                                   9.5                  
    Travel & Leisure                                        9.1                  
    Support Services                                        8.5                  
    Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology                         8.1                  
    Banks                                                   7.9                  
    Tobacco                                                 7.2                  
    Oil & Gas Producers                                     6.6                  
    Financial Services                                      5.8                  
    Food Producers                                          4.7                  
    General Industrials                                     4.3                  
    Non-Life Insurance                                      4.0                  
    General Retailers                                       4.0                  
    Fixed Line Telecommunications                           3.8                  
    Mobile Telecommunications                               3.2                  
    Food & Drug Retailers                                   2.6                  
    Construction & Materials                                2.4                  
    Aerospace & Defence                                     2.4                  
    Real Estate Investment & Services                       1.9                  
    Chemicals                                               1.5                  
    Real Estate Investment Trusts                           0.7                  
    Net Current Assets                                      1.8                  
    Total                                                  100.0                 


    Ten Largest Equity Investments                                               
    Company                                           Total assets (%)           
    British American Tobacco                                6.1                  
    Unilever                                                4.7                  
    Lloyds Banking Group                                    4.6                  
    AstraZeneca                                             4.2                  
    Royal Dutch Shell 'B'                                   3.8                  
    BT Group                                                3.8                  
    RELX                                                    3.7                  
    Sky                                                     3.7                  
    HSBC Holdings                                           3.2                  
    Vodafone                                                3.2                  


    Commenting on the markets, Adam Avigdori and Mark Wharrier representing the  
    Investment Manager noted:                                                    
    During the quarter the Company returned +2.6% whilst the FTSE All Share Index
    returned +3.9%.                                                              
    UK equities made further progress in the fourth quarter driven by the        
    anticipation of a change in policy direction in the US leading to higher     
    economic growth, inflation and interest rate expectations. The US Federal    
    Reserve suggested it would permit above target inflation levels and the US   
    presidential election result added to expectations for government spending to
    increase.  OPEC surprised many commentators, leading to a rally in oil       
    prices, by organising production cuts amongst not only the cartel but also   
    other notable producers, including Russia.                                   
    Relative underperformance during the quarter was predominantly driven by     
    market moves rather than stock specifics. The outperformance of the resources
    and banking sectors, areas that we remain underweight, detracted whilst      
    consumer staples and cash compounders underperformed as bond yields rose, in 
    theory reducing the value of their long-duration cash flows.                 
    On the positive side, stock fundamentals were once again an important driver 
    of performance. Sky was the largest contributor during the quarter after     
    receiving a bid from 21st Century Fox at a significant premium to the share  
    price. Despite offering a lower dividend yield than the market, we were      
    attracted to Sky's cash generative business and vast customer base, giving   
    the benefits of scale to invest in new content and services, attributes that 
    were clearly undervalued by the market. RPC Group reported H1 results showing
    strong revenue growth helped by recent acquisitions as they lead the way in  
    the consolidation of the European packaging industry. Building and plumbing  
    distributor Wolseley performed well following the US presidential election   
    result in anticipation of an increase in government spending on              
    During the quarter we added new positions in Aggrekko and Babcock whilst     
    adding to our recent purchase in Elementis. Aggreko shares have fallen c.70% 
    since their peak and we feel that with the removal of the final profitable   
    contracts from expectations, the risk/reward trade-off is now favourable and 
    the company offers attractive revenue growth potential from contract wins    
    within emerging markets. Babcock, an outsourcing group with a bias towards   
    defence markets is company with strong revenue visibility and high barriers  
    to entry, which having de-rated after a difficult two years, we feel offers  
    potential upside to the current valuation.                                   
    Macroeconomic volatility has been an important driver of equities throughout 
    2016 and has tended to overwhelm the stock specific factors at the heart of  
    our process.  However, over the longer term, earnings and cashflow growth    
    tend to be the dominant driver of share prices.  If equity markets fail to   
    recognise that, corporates buyers have the potential to; the bid for ARM     
    Holdings during the summer was a good reminder of that dynamic as was the bid
    for Sky from 21st Century Fox more recently.  Markets are likely to remain   
    skittish given macro headwinds, likely volatility in bond markets and an     
    increasing level of political risks.  However we continue to find            
    opportunities in those companies that can generate cashflow from strong      
    business models, have favourable industry characteristics or scope for       
    management driven self-help.                                                 
    While sometimes unnerving, we will continue to use market volatility to      
    provide buying opportunities in those types of companies.                    
    17 January 2017