Black Cat Syndicate Limited announced an update to the JORC 2012 Mineral Resource, for Fingals Fortune, which comprises part of the Kal East Gold Project (Kal East). Highlights: Since acquiring Fingals Fortune on 2 July 2020, the Resource has grown 77% to 2.6Mt @ 1.8 g/t Au for 156,000 oz. Defining a large open pit at Fingals Fortune to support mining is a priority and Indicated Resources have grown by 273% to 670,000t @ 1.9 g/t Au for 41,000 oz. Fingals Fortune is expected to underpin Black Cat's proposed mining operations well into the future and remains open in all directions and at depth. Furthermore, Fingals Fortune is part of a 3km long mineralised trend that extends to the north and south and runs parallel to a 1.4km long trend to the east. Black Cat's total Resource has increased to 12.3Mt @ 2.3 g/t Au for 905,000 oz. Black Cat's ongoing drilling program is designed to grow Resources to 1 million ounces during the March 2021 quarter. Metallurgical test work indicates excellent recoveries of 98.7% within oxide ore and 96.2% within transitional ore. Historic production was free milling. Fingals Fortune is located on granted mining leases 8kms south of Black Cat's preferred processing facility location. The area was mined in the early 1990's with open pit mining extracting 420,000t @ 2.7 g/t Au for 36,500 oz from Fingals Fortune and another 20,200 oz from three nearby satellite pits. Fingals Fortune strikes north/north-west and generally dips shallowly to the west. This Resource update incorporates all drilling by Black Cat (140 holes for 14,310m) from acquiring Fingals Fortune on 2 July 2020 to 31 December 2020. Black Cat has expanded the Fingals Fortune Resource by 77% since acquisition. Drilling in the March 2021 quarter will focus on converting the northern area of the open pit Resource from Inferred to Indicated in preparation for a maiden Ore Reserve. Extensional drilling will be ongoing with the Resource open in every direction along a 3km long mineralised trend. An initial Scoping Study 1 for Fingals Fortune was released in November 2020 and highlighted a robust case for development with drilling and Resource growth continuing. The recent update to the Fingals Fortune Resource has prompted an update to the November 2020 Study. This updated Scoping Study has significantly strengthened the Kal East development case. Black Cat is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to support the increased Production Target in the January 2021 Study. Fingals Fortune is part of the Kal East Gold Project and is situated within Eastern Goldfields Province of the Archaean Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt. The greenstone belt has been subdivided into a number of geological terrains separated by regional faults, including the Gindalbie Terrain, the Kurnalpi Terrain and the Edjudina/Linden Terrains. The NNE-trending, Mt Monger Fault transects the project area separating the Gindalbie Terrain to the northeast from the Kalgoorlie Terrain to the southwest. Fingals Fortune is situated along the axis of the Bulong Anticline, a major, upright, tight fold plunging towards the south-east. The geological sequence is comprised of mafic units of High-Mg basalts to pyroxenite gabbroic composition that occupy the core of the anticline, with bedding parallel intrusive dolerite sills and cross cutting quartz-feldspar porphyries. Fingals Fortune is located on the western limb of the Mt Monger Anticline, with the anticline hinge passing just to the east (Futi Bagus and other deposits occur on the eastern limb). The Mt Monger Anticline is a tight regional fold which plunges at 50° to 60° to the south east. Mineralisation is predominantly hosted in the highly sericite altered felsic porphyry, with previous pit sampling indicating that gold is generally hosted within quartz veining (Jones, 2012). Limited, lower-grade gold may potentially occur within the alteration zone.