Biolidics Limited announced resignation of Song Tang Yih as Executive Director. Role And Responsibilities: Mr. Song is responsible for the overall management, operations, strategic planning and business development of the Group. Reason For Cessation: To pursue other career opportunities.

The Sponsor, after having interviewed Mr. Song, is satisfied that there is no other material reason for the resignation of Mr. Song as an Executive Director and CEO of the Company. The Company refers to its announcement dated 4 June 2024 on the resignation of Mr. Gavin Mark McIntyre as the Lead Independent Director of the Company and wishes to announce that Ms Ch'ng Li-Ling ("Ms Ch'ng") will be appointed as the Lead Independent Director of the Company with effect from 18 June 2024. Ms Ch'ng is currently the Chairman of the Nominating Committee and member of the Audit and Remuneration Committees.

Consequent to the above referred changes, the composition of the Board of the Company with effect from 30 June 2024 is as follows: Mr. Zhu Hua: - Executive Director and Chairman, Mr. Chen Lu; - Executive Director and President, Ms Ch'ng Li-Ling: - Lead Independent Director, Mr. Ian David Brown: - Independent Director, Mr. Liew Yoke Pheng Joseph - Independent Director.