BioCorRx Inc. appointed Dr. Kenneth Orbeck as Medical Director. Dr. Kenneth Orbeck owns and operates an integrative and functional medical center in South Carolina. His practice is based in bio identical hormone therapy; BodyLogicMD of Greenville and Greenville Rejuvenation, Dr. Orbeck dedicates his practice to helping women and men find relief from hormonal imbalances such as menopause, andropause (the male menopause)adrenal fatigue and thyroid disorders by using a personal functional approach to wellness, combining customized nutrition and fitness regimens with bio identical hormone therapy. Dr. Orbeck believes that proper diet, regular exercise and balanced hormones are the cornerstones of longevity. Dr. Orbeck examines the interaction between a person's genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors for an individualized treatment plan on each patient. Dr. Orbeck utilizes advanced hormonal application through subcutaneous pellet therapy and is a national speaker on advanced hormone and pellet therapy.