BenevolentAI S.A. announced a change to its Executive Leadership Team (ELT) following the recent Annual General Meeting and the election of a new Board of Directors. In a move to better enhance operational efficiency and strategic focus, the Board initiated a leadership review to better support BenevolentAI's ambitious growth plans. The results of the review include Ms. Catherine Isted stepping down from her role as Chief Financial Officer.

Mr. Tom Holgate, who has been at BenevolentAI for nearly seven years, will continue in his role as Group Finance Director, ensuring continuity and leveraging his extensive understanding of the Company's financial landscape to lead several pivotal financial initiatives. The company is intensifying its efforts to capitalise on the expanding opportunities within the rapidly maturing 'techbio' sector. BenevolentAI's strong momentum is underscored by last week?s successful integration of a novel target in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus into AstraZeneca's portfolio, marking yet another significant milestone for the Company and the second major collaboration milestone achieved with AstraZeneca this year.

The Board's review further highlighted the need to adopt a more dynamic and entrepreneurial approach across the Company?s leadership, business development activities, and internal management structures. These changes are designed to expand the Company's market share in the AI-driven drug discovery sector, accelerate the development of its internal pipelines, and forge new strategic collaborations.