The board of directors of Beijing Properties (Holdings) Limited announced that Mr. Dong Qilin has tendered his resignation as an Executive Director of the Company with effect from 2 July 2024 to focus on his other commitments. Mr. Xie Ming has tendered his resignation as an Independent Non-Executive Director, the member of audit committee, the member of nomination committee and the member of remuneration committee of the Company with effect from 2 July 2024 to focus on his other commitments. The Board announced that Mr. Siu Kin Wai has been appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Company with effect from 2 July 2024.

Mr. Fang Bin has been appointed as an Executive Director of the Company with effect from 2 July 2024. Dr. Li Huiqun has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director, the member of Audit Committee, the member of Nomination Committee and the member of Remuneration Committee of the Company with effect from 2 July 2024. Mr. Siu Kin Wai, aged 56, was appointed an executive director of the Company since July 2009.

Mr. Siu graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor's degree in Accountancy and is fellow members of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Mr. Siu has extensive experience in corporate management. Mr. Siu is a director of Brilliant Bright Holdings Limited, which is a controlling shareholder of the Company.

Mr. Siu is the non-executive director of CAQ Holdings Limited ("CAQ"), a company listed on the Australia Stock Exchange with Listing Corporation Code of CAQ since April 2015, an executive director of Beijing Health (Holding) Limited ("BJ Health") (SEHK Stock Code: 2389) since May 2017, a director of MillenMin Ventures Inc., an independent non-executive director of Orient Securities International Holdings Limited (SEHK Stock Code: 8001) since September 2017, respectively. Mr. Siu was appointed an independent non-executive director of Golden Century International Holdings Group Limited (SEHK Stock Code: 91) on 22 March 2023 and has resigned from this position with effect from 18 March 2024. Mr. Siu served as an independent non-executive director of Agritrade Resources Limited (SEHK Stock Code: 1131) during the period from 24 August 2010 to 9 June 2021.

Mr. Fang Bin, aged 45, obtained a Bachelor's degree in management studies from University of Science and Technology of China and a Master's degree in accounting from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. Mr. Fang obtained a technical title of senior accountant and the professional qualification of certified public accountants in China and is also a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Mr. Fang currently serves as the financial controller of Beijing Enterprises City Development Group Limited ("BE City Development"), which is a substantial shareholder of the Company and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing Enterprises Group Holdings Company Limited ("BE Group").

Mr. Fang held various positions in the finance department at different trading and shipping companies in China from 2004 to 2017. In 2017, Mr. Fang joined the BE Group and was assigned as the financial controller of a subsidiary, Beijing Enterprises Real-Estate Group Limited. Subsequently, he was reassigned to be the financial controller of the BE City Development in March 2024.

Mr. Fang has more than 20 years of financial management and corporate governance experience. Dr. Li Huiqun, aged 58, obtained a Bachelor's degree in economics, a Master's degree in economics and a Doctorate degree in economics from the School of Economics of Wuhan University, Hubei Province, China in 1988, 1991 and 1994, respectively. Dr. Li obtained the technical title of senior economist.

She has extensive experience in the banking and financial markets sector. From April 1994 to October 2015, she served as head of several divisions and on vice-president level positions in the Shenzhen Central Branch of the People's Bank of China, in charge of the Money and Credit Division, the Financial Research Office, the Bullion Management Division, labour union work and management of human resources. From November 2015 to June 2021, she has been the vice president of Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank in charge of asset management, financial market and interbank business, international business and management of the Qianhai branch.

Dr. Li also serves an independent non-executive director of Zensun Enterprises Limited and Nine Dragons Paper (Holdings) Limited.