Chaicharn Rakchartkiatkul agreed to acquire the 45% stake in Platinum Emerald Co., Ltd from Bangpakong Terminal Public Company Limited (SET:BTC) for THB 100 on May 11, 2016. Under the terms, Chaicharn Rakchartkiatkul will acquire 0.97 million shares. In a related transaction, Chaicharn Rakchartkiatkul agreed to acquire the 40% stake in Platinum Container Lines Co., Ltd from Bangpakong Terminal Public Company Limited (SET:BTC) for THB 100 on May 11, 2016. Platinum Emerald Co., Ltd reported total assets of THB 68.13 million and net profit of THB 99.59 million in 2015. The transaction has been approved by the Board of Directors of Bangpakong Terminal Public Company Limited. Silom Advisory Company Limited acted as the financial advisor to Bangpakong Terminal Public Company Limited. Chaicharn Rakchartkiatkul completed the acquisition of the 45% stake in Platinum Emerald Co., Ltd from Bangpakong Terminal Public Company Limited (SET:BTC) on September 30, 2016.