Beauce Gold Fields Inc. announced that it has acquired through map staking, a portfolio of prospective placer to hard rock gold anomalies throughout southern Quebec. The Beauce, the Megantic and Quebec's Eastern Townships are considered to be the most suitable regions for the discovery of gold deposits near or under former gold placers. The Mégantic property is limited to the southwest by the American border of New Hampshire and to the northeast by Lac Mégantic. The property extends for at least 30 km along the axis of the Bella Fault. It is divided into four areas: the Ditton, the Mining Brook, the Chesham and Bergeron rivers. The Mégantic property is located at the foot of the granite intrusion of Mont Mégantic. It partly occupies the Compton Formation composed of graphitic and pelitic metasedimentary rocks of Siluro-Devonian age. These sedimentary rocks are in discordant contact in the center of the terrain with the volcanic facies (basalts, andesites and dacites) of the Siluro-Devonian Formation of the Frontenac Formation. The Bella fault, which is the major structural element of the Mégantic property, is in contact between the Compton and Frontenac Formations. Observations at Mount Saddle suggest several intrusive phases that would be favourable to the establishment of gold mineralization. 1) In quartzo-feldspathic porphyry dykes intersecting the sediments of the Compton Formation north of the Mégantic Property. The following grades were obtained on samples taken at random: Au = 498.16 g /t Au = 12.0 g /t Au = 24.0 g /t (M B 86-05). 2) Associated with lens base metal mineralization known in the Frontenac Formation at the former Clinton mine. These mineralization's would be in lenticular form. The sulphides would be of syngeneic origin and would have been remobilized during the Appalachian orogeny in preferential zones. From 1974 to 1975 approximately 114.478 tonnes at 2.6% Cu, 2.5% Zn, 0.47% Pb, 31.44 g /t Ag and 0.41 g /t Au would have been extracted. 3) The presence of gold-bearing quartz veins intersecting the more competent gabbroic sills. This type is known in the township of Bellechasse (Timmins-Zone 88 Gold Deposit).