EUROPE: Technical data TV satellite transmission 12.01.2015

16:50-17:20 CET             BMW Group Press Conference and model highlights

19:20-19:50 CET             MINI Press Conference, Highlights BMW Group

                                        Press Conference + model highlights

Satellite                           Eutelsat 10 A (10°E)                                                  
Transponder                   B1 CHANNEL 1013-1024, 18MHz

Downlink frequency        11,018.50 HORIZONTAL

FEC                                3/4

Symbol Rate                  14.24 Msym/s

Data Rate                       31.0076

Standard:                        DVBS2-8PSK (20%RO), Pilot on, 1080i/50, 420 MPEG2

US: Technical data TV satellite transmission 12.01.2015

10:50-11:20am EST    BMW Group Press Conference and model highlights

01:20-01:50pm EST    MINI Press Conference, Highlights BMW Group

                                    Press Conference + model highlights

Satellite:                      Galaxy 28 (29°W)

Transponder:              613K Upper, 18MHz KU Band

Downlink frequency:   11969 VERTICAL

FEC                            3/4

Symbol Rate              14.24

Data Rate                   31.0076                                      

Standard:                   DVBS2-8PSK (20%RO) Pilot on, 1080i/59.94, 420 MPEG 2

Contact telephone:             +49 151 23456889

If you have any questions please contact: Christina Hepe (Electronic Media), +49 160 8890029

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