Bangkok Land Public Company Limited (SET:BLAND) announces a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 1,737,440,105 shares, representing 10% of its issued share capital, for THB 2,085 million. The repurchase price will not be higher than the average closing price during 5 business days prior to each trading date plus 15% of such average closing price. The purpose of the program is to manage and maximize the utmost benefits of the company’s excess liquidity, increase the return of equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS) for the shareholders and show the sign of strong financial status of the company. The repurchased shares may be resold on the Stock Exchange of Thailand or offered for sale to the general public. The repurchase program is valid till September 18, 2020. As of February 3, 2020, the company had 17,374,401,054 shares in issue.