ASX / Media Release 24 Jan 2014 Axiom Positions To Acquire New Exploration Opportunity In Solomon Islands HIGHLIGHTS

Axiom has reviewed a vast area of Solomon Islands both within and outside its current tenement holdings.

A new mineral exploration opportunity provides great scope for Axiom to significantly increase its prospectivity profile.

Relinquishment of the Arosi tenement in Makira province has occurred prior to the acquisition of a significant new opportunity to comply with the Solomon Islands mining law.

Axiom Mining Limited ("Axiom" or "the Company") advises that it has relinquished the Arosi Prospecting Licence in Makira province and is in the final stage of securing a new tenement in the Solomon Islands.

Axiom has completed reconnaissance evaluation of the Arosi tenement including geological mapping, stream sediment and rockchip sampling. Although zones of zinc-copper-silver mineralisation were identified, the Company has been able to secure access to another exploration project that possesses far greater prospectivity potential.

Details of the new opportunity which will leverage off Axiom's established operations in the

Solomon Islands will be provided in the coming days.

About Axiom Mining Limited


Axiom Mining Limited focuses on tapping into the resource potential within the mineral -rich Pacific Rim. Through dedication to forging strong bonds and relationships with the local communities and governments where we operate, Axiom Mi ning has built a diversified portfolio of exploration tenements in the Asia Pacific region. This includes a majority interest in the Isabel nickel deposits in the Solomon Islands. The Company also owns all or majority holdings in Vietnam's Quang Tri gold project and highly prospective gold silver and copper tenements in North Queensland, Australia. The Company is listed on the ASX.
For more information on Axiom Mining and details on our activities, please refer to our company website at


Statements in this document that are forward-looking and involve numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results are based on the Company's current beliefs and assumptions regarding a large number of facto rs affecting its business. There can be no assurance that (i) the Company has correctly measured or identified all of the factors affecting its business or their extent or likely impact; (ii) the publicly available information with respect to these factors on which the Company's a nalysis is based is complete or accurate; (iii) the Company's analysis is correct; or (iv) the Company's strategy, which is based in part on this analysis, will be successful.

Competent Person's Statement

Geological information presented in this document is based on exploration results compiled by Mr Jess Oram. Mr Oram is a mem ber of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and has sufficient experience relevant to the styles of mineralisation and types o f deposits under consideration and to the activity, which he is undertaking to qualify as Competent Person in accordance with Clause 8 of the JORC Code,

2012 edition. Mr Oram is a full time employee of Axiom Mining Ltd and consents to inclusion in this doc ument of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Axiom Mining Limited

ARBN 119 698 770

Unit 6, 76 Doggett Street Newstead, Queensland 4006, Australia

T: +61 7 3319 4100 | F: +61 7 3252 7577 |

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