Avicanna Inc. announced the completion of the retrospective observational real-world evidence study (?Study?) using its RHO Phyto? branded Ultra CBD Topical Cream on patients with epidermolysis bullosa (?EB?). The study was led by Elena Pope, MD, M.Sc., FRCPC, Head of Dermatology at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and evaluated the tolerability and efficacy of RHO Phyto?

branded Ultra CBD Topical Cream in patients with epidermolysis bullosa. The retrospective cohort study evaluated the reported and documented responses related to wound healing, pain, and itch end points through images for study purposes to examine and evaluate the effect of RHO Phyto? branded Ultra CBD Topical Cream on wound healing.

The RHO Phyto? branded Ultra CBD Topical Cream is an oil based 3% CBD localized cream developed to target dermatology conditions. The Study enrolled 20 patients (14 male patients and 6 female patients) with an average age of 17.3 years with various subtypes of epidermolysis bullosa including dystrophic (60%), simplex (30%) and junctional (10%).

After one month of daily application of the 3% CBD Cream, 55% of patient reported improvements in wound healing while 45% displayed wound stability. Evaluation of self-reported itch and pain scores were reported in 65% and 50% of patients, respectively. Of the study participants evaluated, 45% continued to use treatment over 6 months.

The study results will be presented at Avicanna?s symposium on May 13th by Dr. Camila Sofia Arriaga Egnen from The Hospital for Sick Children.