
Form 603

Corporations Act 2001 Section 671B

Notice of initial substantial holder

To Company Name/Scheme ACN/ARSN


ACN 123 652 862

  1. Details of substantial holder (1)

    Name China Investment Corporation (CIC) and its controlled entities

    ACN (if applicable) n/a

    The holder became a substantial holder on 25/01/2016

  2. Details of voting power

    The total number of votes attached to all the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a relevant interest (3) in on the date the substantial holder became a substantial holder are as follows:

    Class of securities(4)

    Number of securities

    Persons' votes(5)

    Voting power (6)

    Ordinary Shares



    19.99% (based on

    975,385,664 shares on issue)

  3. Details of relevan t interests

    The nature of the relevant interest the substantial holder or an associate had in the following voting securities on the date the substantial holder became a substantial holder are as follows:

    Holder of relevant interest Flourish Investment

    Nature of relevant interest (7) Relevant interest pursuant to s608( 1) of the

    Class and number of securities 3,175,689 Ordinary Shares

    Corporation (Flourish )

    Corporations Act as beneficial owner of

    Ordinary Shares purchased on-market.

    Best Investment Corporation (Best)

    Relevant interest pursuant to s608( 1) of the Corporations Act as beneficial owner of

    6,508 Ordinary Shares

    Ordinary Shares purchased on-market

    CIC International Co., Ltd.


    Relevant interest arises under s608(3)(b) of the Corporations Act as it controls Best

    3, 182,197 Ordinary Shares

    and Flourish.

    Beijing Shunrong Investment Corporation

    Relevant interest arises under s608(3)(a) of the Corporations Act as it is an associate of

    3,182,197 Ordinary Shares

    (Beijing Shunrong)

    CIC International. Accordingly Beijing

    Shunrong has a relevant interest in the

    same securities as Best and Flourish.

    CIC Capital Corporation (CIC Capital)

    Relevant interest arises under s608(3)(a) of the Corporations Act as it is an associate of

    3,182,197 Ordinary Shares

    CIC International. Accordingly CIC

    Capital has a relevant interest in the same

    securities as Best and Flourish.


    Controlled entities of CIC

    Relevant interest arises under s608(3)(b) of the Corporations Act as it controls CIC International, Flourish and Best

    3, 182,197 Ordinary Shares

    Relevant interest arises under s608(3)(a) of the Corporations Act as each of them is an associate of CIC International.

    Accordingly each of them has a relevant interest in the same securities as Best and Flourish.

    3,182,197 Ordinary Shares

    Global Infrastructure Management LLC (GIP), being an associate of CIC as a result of Beijing Shumong, (a wholly- owned subsidiary of CIC Capital (which is a wholly- owned subsidiary of CIC)), becoming a contractual party to the Cooperation

    Deed (Annexure A).

    Relevant interest in 77,032,604 Ordinary Shares held by the registered holder, Global Infrastructure Management Australia Pty Limited as trustee of the GIP Bell Australia Unit Trust, which arises under s608( 1)(b) & (c) (power to exercise or control the exercise of a power to dispose and I or vote securities) and s608(3)(b) of the Corporations Act, by reason that GIP controls the registered holder.

    Relevant interest in 51,916,055 Ordinary Shares held by the registered holder, Bar SPY Pty Limited, which arises under s608(l)(b) & (c) (power to exercise or control the exercise of a power to dispose and I or vote securities) and s608{3)(b) of the Corporations Act, by reason that GIP controls the registered holder.

    Relevant interest in 61,301,584 Ordinary Shares held by the registered holder, Qube Holdings Limited (Qube), which arises under s608( 1)(b) & (c) (power to exercise or control the exercise of a power to dispose and I or vote securities) of the Corporations Act, pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (Moll) between Qube, GIP and CPPIB, disclosed in Annexure D of the substantial holder notice lodged on behalf of GIP on 2 November 2015.

    Relevant interest in 1,547,348 Ordinary Shares held by the registered holder, HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited in which Canada Pension Plan Investment Board ( CPPIB) has a relevant interest, which arises under s608( I )(b) &

    (c) (power to exercise or control the exercise of a power to dispose and I or vote securities) of the Corporations Act, pursuant to the MoU between Qube, GIP and CPPIB.

    191,797,591 Ordinary Shares

  4. Details of present registered holders

The persons registered as holders of the securities referred to in paragraph 3 above are as follows:

I Holder of relevant interest

Registered holder of securities

Person entitled to be registered as holder (8)

Class and number of securities

Flourish, CIC International, CIC

HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited


2,935,321 Ordinary Shares

Best, CIC International, CIC

HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited


6,508 Ordinary Shares

Flourish, CIC International, CIC

J P Morgan Nominees Australia Limited


240,368 Ordinary Shares

GIP (an associate of CIC)

Global Infrastructure Management Australia Pty Limited as trustee of the GIP Bell Australia Unit Trust

Global Infrastructure Management Australia Pty Limited as trustee of the GIP Bell Australia Unit Trust

77,032,604 Ordinary Shares

Bar SPY Pty Limited

Bar SPY Pty Limited

51,916,055 Ordinary Shares



61,301,584 Ordinary Shares

HSBC Custody Nominees {Australia) Limited


1,547,348 Ordinary Shares

S. Consideration

The consideration paid for each relevant interest referred to in paragraph 3 above, and acquired in the 4 months prior to the day that the substantial holder became a substantial holder is as follows:

Holder of relevant interest

Date of acquisition



Class and number of securities



Flourish, CIC International, CIC

23 October 2015

AUD 7.85

211,000 Ordinary Shares

Flourish, CIC Internation al, CIC

16 October 2015

AUD 8.51

18,669 Ordinary Shares

GIP (an associate of CIC)

29 October 2015


77,032,604 Ordinary Shares


51,916,055 Ordinary Shares


61,301,584 Ordinary Shares

  1. Associates

    The reasons the persons named in paragraph 3 above are associates of the substantial holder are as follows:

    Name and ACN/ARSN (if applicable)

    Nature of association


    Associates pursuant to section 12(2)(b) (entry into relevant agreement) and section 12(2)(c) (acting in concert) of the Corporations Act by virtue of entry into the Cooperation Deed (Annexure A) dated 25 January 2016 between Beijing Shunrong and GIP.

    CIC International, CIC Capital, Beijing Shunrong, Best, Flourish, and other controlled entities of CIC

    Bodies corporate controlled by CIC as described in sl2(2)(a) of the Corporations Act

  2. Addresses

The addresses of persons named in this form are as follows:




New Poly Plaza, No. 1 Chaoyangmen Beidajie Dongcheng District, Beijing,

P.R. China.

CIC Capital

No. I Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, P.R. China

1939, 19/F, No. I Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, P.R. China.

Beijing Shunrong

CIC International

No. I North Chaoyangmen Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, P.R.China


Room 704, No.2 Building, No. I Naoshikou Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.China


Room 936, No.2 Building, No.I Naoshi.kou Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.China


12 East 49th Street, 3gth Floor, New York, New York 10017, USA

Asciano Ltd. issued this content on 2016-01-25 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-25 09:38:04 UTC

Original Document: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/external.file?t=2&item=o8hHt16027g9XhJTr8+weNRYaV9bFc2rMd0Q/AXw4zs7U5XcgiAmXAtuujZ0ICUbyTOdjIY9qOwSUcOgIsscGpJ52oQ+FT45YRhZBVA45yl+wtqBIAkJp6bkeDNEOJUCN9U7IF3PVnsi3VRZqfS0sQ==&cb=635893108168440285