Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc. announced the retail debut of the company's EnerPlex solar assisted battery case for the Samsung Galaxy S III, now available for sale. The EnerPlex Surfr for Galaxy S III takes advantage of Ascent's ultra-light, thin and flexible solar panels and enables Galaxy users to charge their smartphones with sunlight in addition to conventional charging methods to extend the usage time. The Surfr was displayed at CES 2013 last week, along with other new products from the company.

The EnerPlex Surfr cases will also be available in the US through additional retail channels in the near future. The EnerPlex case for Galaxy S III is uniquely enabled by the lightweight, thin and highly customizable form factor of Ascent's CIGS solar cells, allowing solar technology to be integrated into the thinnest and lightest solar-enabled iPhone case on the market. Paired with an ultra-thin lithium-ion battery the EnerPlex case provides hours of additional audio, web and talk time for users.