Golden Predator Mining Corp. has submitted its Water Use License (WUL) and Quartz Mining License (QML) renewal applications for its 100%-owned Brewery Creek mine project located approximately 55 km by paved and gravel road from Dawson City, Yukon. The Company looks forward to working with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, the Yukon Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Yukon Water Board to advance the renewal applications. The Brewery Creek Mine is a brownfields heap leach gold mine that was operated by Viceroy Minerals Corporation from 1996 to 2002. Important infrastructure remains in place allowing for a timely restart schedule. Brewery Creek currently holds valid Quartz Mining and Water Use Licenses, which expire December 31, 2021. The Company has submitted renewal applications on existing terms and conditions for 10-year extensions to the Quartz Mining License (QML) Water Use License (WUL). Golden Predator is currently working on a document to meet Yukon Environmental Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) requirements and expects to submit the project plan in early third quarter of 2021.