Argo Living Soils Corp. provide a 6-month update on the vermicast production at its Galiano Island farm site. From a start date in early October 2021, pilot plant production has increased by a minimum of 50% each month since, rising to 5,000 pounds (2,267 kgs) for the month of March 2022.

This volume is anticipated to increase by over 60% to approximately 8,000 pounds (3,625 kgs) per month as the Company transitions to full capacity operations in May/June 2022. This finished vermicast product, 'Vermicompost', is Argo's main product offering which was recently designated as a Specialty Fertilizer. Vermicompost, is a product resulting from the natural decomposition process using various species of worms to create a mixture of decomposing bedding materials and vermicast.

As a Specialty Fertilizer, Argo Living Soils will be able to command a premium price in the greenhouse, residential and horticultural markets.