Amplefield Limited changed the Board's composition as follows:- Resignation of Dato' Sri Yap Teiong Choon as an Executive Director of the company. Appointment of Mr. Phan Chee Shong ("Mr Phan") as an Executive Director. Redesignation of Mr. Yap Weng Yau and Mr. Woon Ooi Jin as Executive Directors. Dato Sri Yap Teiong Choon has stepped down from the Board with immediate effect to give an opportunity for the Board to be reconstituted and to pursue his personal interest. With the departure of Dato Sri Yap Teiong Choon, Mr. Phan will lead the Group in its property development and construction business. Meanwhile, Mr. Yap Weng Yau and Mr. Woon Ooi Jin have been redesignated as Executive Directors of the Company to assume expanded roles and responsibilities in the management of the new business of the Group. On another matter, the Nominating Committee and the Board have noted that Mr. Albert Saychuan Cheok ("Mr Cheok"), the Chairman and independent director of the Company is involved in certain proceedings commenced by the Securities and Futures Commission (the "SFC") of Hong Kong.