Amcorp Global Limited announced that the retirement of Er. Dr. Lee Bee Wah as the Lead Independent Non-Executive Director. Role And Responsibilities: Lead Independent Non-Executive Director, a Member of the Audit Committee and a Member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee.

Other Director Ships Past: Member of Parliament. Other Director Ships Present: Meinhardt (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. - Group Director Heeton Holdings Limited - Independent Director Hong Lai Huat Group Limited - Independent Director Koh Brothers Group Limited - Lead Independent Director Building and Construction Authority - Board Member Mandai Park Holdings Pte.

Ltd. - Board Member Nanyang Technological University School of Civil & Environmental Engineering Advisory Committee - Chairperson. Er. Dr. Lee Bee Wah, after having served on the Board of Directors of Amcorp Global Limited (the "Company") for more than nine (9) years, will retire as the Lead Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company upon the conclusion of the forthcoming annual general meeting to be held on 24 July 2024.

Following her retirement, Er. Dr. Lee Bee Wah will cease to be a Member of the Audit Committee and a Member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee.