Altima Resources Ltd. and Whistler Oil and Gas Pty. Ltd. have licensed two new vertical wells in their ongoing Chambers-Ferrier area project. On January, 21, 2014, Altima announced the 5-35-41-11W5 and 9-35-41-11 W5 wells would be offsets to the 15-35-41-11W5 well the company and Whistler drilled and placed onstream in September, 2014, which the companies followed up with the 50/50 purchase of six additional sections adjacent and north of section 35.

The companies will drill their new wells vertically to an approximate depth of 3,100 metres, expecting to encounter multiple prospective horizons, including the productive zones in the 15-35 well. The wells production will flow through a 1.4-kilometre pipeline to be built from the 5-35 well and tied into Altima existing 6.4-kilometre pipeline connecting to the Baytex Energy Corp. compressor station located at 4-4-42-10 W5.

From the Baytex compressor, gas and liquids will be routed through the Keyera Corp. North Strachan Gas Gathering System to the sales point at the Keyera deep-cut gas facility located at 11-35-37-9 W5.