Alcatel-Lucent enables innovative and fast-growing company to keep customers and employees connected

Paris, January 20, 2014 -mymuesli, the world's first food company to use mass customization to sell breakfast cereal online is to expand using Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) technology to enhance its customer service.

The company, a previous winner of Germany's 'start-up of the year' award,  has seen huge growth since its launch in 2007, offering consumers across five European countries the means of mixing their own 'bespoke' muesli from a range of over 80 organic ingredients.

mymuesli was founded on a mass customization model designed to tailor the business to a large group of consumers with specific demands. While this model still makes use of traditional customer interaction such as telephone support, it has adopted more intelligent and data compatible phone systems and technologies.

The new communications system mymuesli employs from Alcatel-Lucent's Enterprise division helps prepare the company for further growth, ensuring employees can communicate across the company as it expands whilst ensuring consistent good customer service in handling large numbers of incoming calls.

Alcatel-Lucent is providing a technology solution specifically designed for mymuesli, which is based on the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office Rich Communication Edition (RCE) and network switching technology. The new solution replaces the company's previous voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephony system, improving the ability of mymuesli  employees to deal with incoming calls at peak hours. Alcatel-Lucent 4018 IP Phones have been installed, providing individual extensions for each office employee, and production workers - who previously had no access to an individual phone - now have DECT phones for mobility. The network can be incrementally expanded as the business' needs to support continued growth.

The solution was delivered by the Alcatel-Lucent business partner Call-Data-Systems, a Bavaria-based specialist in IT and Telecommunications customisation.


Max Wittrock, Executive Director and Co-founder of mymuesli said, "As we moved from being a start-up company to our next period of rapid growth, we needed sophisticated communications capabilities to communicate efficiently and comfortably with our customers, partners and muesli suppliers around the world. We decided to implement a 21st century solution from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise which is seen as matching the ambitions of the company and offers us all the communications features found in major enterprises - from waiting loops and fax to conference calls. The new system is a real "professional business card for mymuesli.

Marcus Haensel, Vice-President for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Germany commented, "We are very pleased to be able to provide this fast growing and exciting company with the solutions they require for the business to grow. OmniPCX Office is designed to enable small and medium businesses, like mymuesli, to enjoy enterprise-class business telephony, provide them with a reliable network, and also deliver the flexibility they need for future expansion.

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