Z-Trim Holdings, Inc. announced the addition of another industry heavyweight to its growing Advisory Board. Roger Stone, current CEO of KapStone Paper and Packaging Corp, will assist the management team with strategic planning and business development initiatives involving the company's new industrial ingredients division, which was unveiled on July 23, 2012 and will leverage Z Trim's exclusive technologies to address critical needs in oil drilling, hydraulic fracturing, petroleum coke, steel, aluminum and paper production, and other industries. Stone also demonstrated confidence in Z Trim's future by personally investing in the company through Brightline Ventures.

He joins a distinguished assembly on the Z Trim Advisory Board, including G. Stephen Finley -- Former CFO of Baker Hughes(R); Rick Lenny -- Former CEO of Hershey's(R); Dick Mayer -- Former CEO of Kraft Foods(R) and Kentucky Fried Chicken(R); Bob Morrison -- Former CEO of Quaker Oats(R) and Kraft Foods(R); Robert Shapiro -- Former CEO of Nutrasweet(R) and Monsanto(R), as well as other corporate executives of similar pedigree.