Recently, the 4th Forum On China's Economic Outlook (FOCEO)was held in Beijing. Mr. Chen Zongxing, Vice Chairman of CPPCC, Mr. Cheng Siwei, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 10th NPC, Mr. Liu He, Secretary of CPC Branch in Development Research Center of the State Council, Mr. Li Wei, Director of CPC Branch in Development Research Center of the State Council and Mr. Zhang Yun, President of Agricultural Bank of China Limited (ABC), attended the forum and made prospective discussions on China's economy and urbanization in 2013.

In his speech of Establishing a More Dynamic Urbanized Financial Service System, Mr. Zhang Yun said that providing financial services to support urbanization represented a prominent competitive edge of ABC and would remain as its long term strategy. Since its joint-stock reform, in particular, ABC has improved its financial services system, set up differentiated service patterns and created a financial network that connected urban and rural areas, which has notably raised the level of financial services in rural areas of China. He said that ABC was going to upgrade its retail services in county regions, and further improve its service network through adjusting its service channel layout and transformation of outlets. In this way, it will be able to provide integrated and convenient financial services to all economic subjects during the urbanization of China.

Guided by the Development Research Center of the State Council, this forum centered on two themes: Macro-economy Prospect and Policy Trend Analysis and Deepen Reform in All Aspects and Create New Development Mode in Full Gear. It was sponsored by China Economic Times .

The first FOCEO was held in 2009. Since then, relying on the think tank and policy consultancy resources of the Development Research Center of the State Council, FOCEO has targeted at economy analysis, policy trend discussion and development trend and countermeasure anticipations. As a high-level authoritative platform for exchanges on development prospects and policy instructions, it has become an annual feast of economic ideas with great influences in China.

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