Public Corporation

Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 04.128.563/0001-10

Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.183.550


AES TIETÊ ENERGIA S.A. ("AES TIETÊ" or "Company") (B3: TIET11, TIET3, TIET4), in compliance with Paragraph 4, Article 157 of Federal Law 6,404/76 and in accordance with CVM Instruction 358 of January 3, 2002 and other applicable provisions, hereby announces to its shareholders and the market that:

In case the conditions precedent established in the Investment Agreement for the acquisition of the Guaimbê Solar Complex ("Complex" and/or "Guaimbê") are fulfilled, in accordance with the Material Fact notice of September 25, 2017, the Company projects the annual EBITDA contribution by the Complex at between R$75 million and R$85 million.

The values above are estimated and, as such, are subject to variations in case of any change in the assumptions adopted by AES TIETÊ for assessing the Complex's acquisition, which included: i) installed capacity of 150 MWac; ii) assured energy sold at auction of 29.5 MWavg and expected generation; iii) projected cost structure; and iv) power purchase agreement in force, ending in 2037.

The guidance will be included in section 11 of the Company's Reference Form and be made available on the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM)( of the Company( the legal timeframe.

Barueri, August 06th, 2018

AES TIETÊ ENERGIA S.A. Clarissa Della Nina Sadock Accorsi Executive Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer


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AES Tietê Energia SA published this content on 06 August 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 August 2018 00:55:03 UTC