AEM Holdings Ltd. announced the launch of a new burn-in capability for its high-parallel test platform, AMPS. The new variant, named AMPS-BI, is a high-power, high-throughput, fully automated burn-in system featuring patented advanced multi-zone Intelligent Thermal Control. AMPS-BI is designed to efficiently perform accelerated high voltage stress testing on advanced semiconductor devices such as AI processors and high-performance computing units.

High voltage stress testing is critical to ensure the reliability of AI chips and other semiconductor devices. It exposes devices under test to extended periods of operation under stressful conditions to detect potential failures or defects before reaching the end consumer. As AI processors and high-performance compute devices are manufactured with rocess technology nodes and advanced heterogeneous packages with chiplets, the overall cost of test to provide the quality of the final package is increasing significantly.

AMPS-BI leverages AEM's decades of experience in automation, thermal management, and application-specific test instruments to offer customers a scalable solution that reduces test times while increasing overall test coverage, delivering a cost-of-test advantage for its users. AEM's AMPS-BI delivers: Fully automated modular system - Capable of simultaneous high voltage stress testing of hundreds of devices in parallel. Patented Multi-zone Intelligent Thermal Control (ITC).

Scalable to >2KW per device, with precision control for thermal stability during test. Application-specific test instruments - Optimized for customer requirements to ensure optimal yield. Individual device test control and instrumentation allow for asynchronous operation, pattern changing on the fly, and high system utilization.

Support for device-specific change kits and consumables, including burn-in boards and sockets. Support for advanced package formats, scalable beyond 100mm x 100mm package sizes. Upgradable for System Level Test, tri-temperature, and higher throughput.

Fully supports JEDEC-based I/O with full Factory 4.0 automation support.