Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. announced that it has added Storm Boswick to its Board of Directors. Mr. Boswick has considerable experience in the investment sector and capital markets holding senior positions with various firms and also operates as a venture capitalist and long /short Portfolio Manager (PM) and as an advisor in public and private equity and debt. As a strategic advisor, his mandates include governance and corporate advisory, mergers and acquisitions, public-private partnerships, capital formation and introduction, and commercial introductions.

Mr. Boswick is a strong business development professional with extensive experience as an investment and related industry conference presenter, panelist, media contributor, and lecturer. Mr. Boswick is currently Founder and MD of TRE Advisors. Throughout his career he has played key roles in the investment community and related industries.

He was part of Goldman Sachs research department, a Partner and PM at J&W Seligman, a PM at Sigma Capital (SAC), a Founder /PM at Brompton Cross and Partner /Sr. MD at Brock Capital. Mr. Boswick additionally brings a great media background with speaking engagements including CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN, and the CNNfn Panel. The Company also announces the resignation of Sean Charland from its board of directors.