With reference to our press releases of 10 March 2017, 26 February 2018 and 11
March 2019, ABG Sundal Collier Holding ASA ("ABGSC") today sold 350,000
ASC-shares to a departing partner as settlement of forward contracts previously
entered into. The shares were sold at an average price of NOK 4.0443 per share.
The previously agreed prices of NOK 5.17, NOK 6.00 and NOK 4.01 per share are
adjusted for dividends and earlier settlement of the forward contracts. 

In addition, ABGSC today purchased 405,000 ASC-shares from the departing partner
at an average price of NOK 1.7543 per share, reflecting the restrictions imposed
on partner shares.

ABGSC owns 14,078,162 treasury shares following the transactions above. ABGSC
has forward contracts with partners purchasing a total of 75,261,300 shares with
settlement in 2020 - 2025. ABGSC has authorization to re-purchase its shares in
the market or to issue new shares.  

Geir B. Olsen, CFO		+47 22 01 60 35

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