3Q Holdings Limited • 42 089 058 293

Ground Floor

35 Spring Street

Bondi Junction NSW 2022


Tel: +61 2 9369 8590

Fax: +61 2 9387 7110


19 November 2012
Company Announcements Office Australian Stock Exchange Limited Electronic Lodgement
Dear Sir/Madam


In accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2, it is confirmed that the resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting of 3Q Holdings Limited held today, 19 November 2012, were all passed by a show of hands.
The resolutions related to the following matters:
Resolution 1. Adoption of Remuneration Report Resolution 2. Re-election of Clive Klugman as Director Resolution 3. Re-election of Gary Zalman Burg as Director Resolution 4, De-listing of Company from ASX
Resolution 5, Approval of On-market Share Buyback
I also attach the information required by section 251AA of the Corporations Act to be notified by
3Q Holdings Limited to the Australian Stock Exchange Limited in respect of these resolutions.
The information sets out the total number of proxy votes exercisable in respect of each resolution by validly appointed proxies.
Yours Faithfully

Alan Treisman
Company Secretary



Proxies Shares


Proxies Shares

Proxy's Discretion Proxies Shares


Proxies Shares


Proxies Shares

Resolution 1

Resolution 2

Resolution 3

Resolution 4

Resolution 5

4 7,076,393

22 121,031,754

22 121,031,754

19 115,411,269

23 121,032,497

8 6,524,127

4 893,642

4 893,642

7 6,514,127

3 892,899

1 10,000

2 2,010,000

2 2,010,000

2 2,010,000

2 2,010,000

15 110,324,876

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

28 123,935,396

28 123,935,396

28 123,935,396

28 123,935,396

28 123,935,396

distributed by