And Bill, what about hiring? Are small businesses going to be reluctant to hire as we start the new year, especially when there is some question over taxes and taxes going up?


Yeah, there's a lot of questions about taxes, there's a lot of questions about costs, there's a lot of questions about operational issues and how to integrate all these new, some new regulations and whatnot. Certainly, hiring follows these kinds of investments ultimately. These are investments in like a new backhoe, let's say, or new- any kind of new computer system. And although all these investments are productivity-enhancing investments, they also do require highly-skilled people and they require some people to run them. And so I think that when we look at the data, we see small businesses poised for breakout; they're poised for some aggressive expansion. Their fiscal shape is great, the failure rates of small businesses are at all-time lows. The credit ratings are at all-time highs for these small companies. And so we could see a breakout here once we get that stability question sorted out for the small businesses.


And Bill, any areas of the economy where we're seeing particular strength in the small business community?


Yeah. I mean, we did see the manufacturing do really well, but then it really took a dive. Certain segments of manufacturing have held up well. Of course, agriculture is doing extraordinarily well still. Even after the drought, there's still enormous amounts of investment going into agriculture. The energy sector continues to catch a very strong investment bid, if you will. There's a lot of investment going on in energy exploration. And so elements of manufacturing like petroleum production, high-tech instruments, high-tech gadgets, those are doing extraordinarily well from a manufacturing segment. And then other parts of manufacturing are kind of languishing. And so it really depends, you got to pick your spots in this economy, but those are the leaders right now, the market leaders that we see that could help carry us forward into 2013